

Sea ice layer exploration with Very High Frequency radar echoes
摘要 通过推导海冰层的全极化脉冲波时域Mueller矩阵解,提出空基甚高频(VHF,30 MHz^300 MHz)雷达窄脉冲检测海冰层的方法。海冰层的雷达脉冲极化回波主要由海冰上下两层随机粗糙面、海冰层中空气泡的体散射以及面-体相互作用几种散射机制的回波组成。通过改变海冰的特征参数(海冰层厚、含盐量、介电常数、界面粗糙度等),对海冰雷达回波进行数值模拟来验证本文提出的方法是否可行。结果表明,本模型可用于检测海冰,对海冰的层厚和分层结构进行反演或者估算。 Based on the time domain Mueller matrix solution, a method for Very High Frequency(VHF, 30 MHz-300 MHz) radar pulse penetration on sea ice is developed. The polarimetric radar pulse echoes contain echoes from top and bottom interfaces, volumetric scattering of air-bubbles and interface-volume interactions. By changing model parameters such as the layer thickness, salinity, dielectric constant and interfacial roughness, the radar pulse echoes on sea ice are numerically simulated to verify the feasibility of the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the model can be used to explore sea ice, and the information such as depth and other structure properties can he inversed and estimated.
作者 赵耀
出处 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 2013年第6期886-890,共5页 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology
关键词 散射模型 MUELLER矩阵 海冰层探测 数值模拟 scattering model Mueller matrix sea ice layer exploration numerical simulation
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