

Efficient drawing of massive point cloud accelerated by GPU
摘要 针对地面三维激光雷达点云的特点,结合其在水工建筑三维建模、水利工程安全监测、边坡监测等水利工程应用中的共性问题,提出一种利用GPU加速的海量点云绘制算法。与基于Z-Buffer的点云绘制算法相比,提出的绘制算法适用于10GB级的点云绘制,绘制帧速最高增幅达到40%。 Aimed at the feature of radar point cloud of 3 D laser on land, combined with the general prob- lem in application of water conservancy such as 3 D modeling of hydraulic building, hydraulic safety and slope Monitoring etc, the paper proposed an efficient drawing algorithm of massive point cloud accelerated by GPU. The experiment proved that the algorithm can largely improve the drawing efficiency of massive point cloud ,handle 10GB point cloud and the largest increase value of drawing rate of the algorithm can reach as high as 40% compared with Z - Buffer algorithm.
出处 《水资源与水工程学报》 2013年第6期16-19,24,共5页 Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(41201484) 精密工程与工业测量国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室开放基金(PF2011-21)
关键词 点云 GPU 八叉树 SPT 水利工程 point cloud GPU Octree SPT hydraulic engineering
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