
负重及非负重下腰椎间盘的位移测量及意义 被引量:1

Displacement measurement of normal lumbar disk in load and unload and its significance
摘要 本文选取12位正常成年人志愿者,男6位,女6位,年龄为20~40岁,分别获得其在直立位和侧卧位(即负重与非负重)时的标准腰椎侧位X射线片并测量直立和侧卧时L1~L5各椎体的椎间隙,计算从直立位到侧卧位各椎间盘的相对位移,比较男性和女性的各椎间盘相对位移的变化趋势.本文的结果可为人工椎间盘的设计提供相关参数依据及用于人工椎间盘置换有限元模型的位移边界条件的加载. Select 12 normal adult volunteers aged 20 -40 years old including six men and six women and obtain its standard lumbar lateral X ray film in vertical and lateral position( load and unload). Measure lumbar vertebra clearance of each inter- vertebral disc from L1 to L5 in vertical and lateral position respectively and calculate relative displacement of intervertebral disc from upright to lateral position and compare the change trend of relative displacement of the intervertebral disc about men and women. The results of artificial disc replacement can be used to provide related parameters in design of artificial interver- tebral disc and load in the finite element model of the displacement boundary condition.
出处 《天津理工大学学报》 2013年第6期50-54,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Technology
基金 天津市卫生局科技攻关项目(11KG14545)
关键词 腰椎 椎间盘 椎间隙 位移测量 人工椎间盘 lumbar intervertebral disc lumbar vertebra clearance displacement measurement artificial intervertebral disc
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