丰富的矿产资源是西部发展的基础 ,但西部矿区开采强度和效率低、经济落后、安全投入少、抗灾能力差、煤层自然和瓦斯隐患突出、矿产开发造成生态环境严重恶化。西部矿区大多处于干旱、经济落后的沙漠地区 ,自然环境恶劣 ,矿业发展有其独特的性质 ,生态环境治理是西部开发的重要课题之一 ,需要大量的资金投入。因此应把西部矿区开发和生态环境治理融于一体 ,相辅相成 ,应重点研究西部矿区高产高效路径、安全与环境治理关键技术 ,全面开展矿山安全与环境专题调研、研究矿山安全与环境评价技术和技术支持系统 ,建立技术工程中心和人才培养基地 。
Abundant mineral resource is the basis of development of the west part of China. But many problems, such as low efficiency, backward in economy, inadequate investment in safety, lack of ability to prevent disaster, spontaneous combustion of coal and coal bed methane threat, and environment problems caused by mining still exist in mining area in the west. The mining areas in the western part of China are mostly lain in desert and area with adverse circumstance. The mining industry has special characters, and environment protection is a very important task for west development, and large amount of capital investment is needed. Therefore, to develop the west should be combined with harnessing the environment. Emphasis should be placed on key technique study of high productivity and high efficiency, safety and environment harness, and carry out comprehensive safety and environment investigation, and study assessment technique system of safety and environment. And set up technological. engineering centre and talent cutivation base, to ensure mining industry in the west development healthily and consistently.