西部地区煤炭资源丰富 ,资源总量占全国的 5 5 % ,西北多为低灰、低硫的优质环保型煤炭 ,煤层埋藏浅 ,煤田构造简单 ,西南高硫煤分布区也蕴藏着丰富的低硫煤资源。但是 ,资源地质工作程度、勘探程度和开发程度低 ;现有煤矿经济可采储量少 ,发展潜力不大 ,尚未利用资源量中 ,经济类的资源较少 ,后备资源不足。本文论述了煤炭资源开发在西部大开发中的地位 ,提出了西部煤炭及相关资源勘探。
The west area is abundant in coal resources which accounts for 55% of total coal resources of China. The coal seam is burried under the shallow layer of soil, and the structure is simple. The coal has property of low ash and low sulphur although there are also rich in low sulphur coal in high sulphur distributed area of the southeast. But the degree of geological exploration and development is low in the area. The recoverable resources are not plentiful, and the development potentiality is not much . The paper discusses the position of coal resoures development in the west development, and puts forward the plan and advice of coal and related resources development in west of China.