Objective To observe the effect of cognitive - behavioral therapy on mental health of suicide patients with schiz- ophrenia and quality of life improvement, to provide clinical guidance for suicide patients with schizophrenia in preventing, reduc- ing and avoiding repeated suicide behaviors. Methods According to the international classification of diseases, Tenth Edition of mental and behavioral disorders ( ICD - 10) in the diagnosis of suicide patients with schizophrenia inpatients were 130 cases. They were randomly allocated into treatment group according to the admission number digit which was Cognitive - behavioral therapy group ( treatment group,n = 66) and control group ( n = 64). Short term cognitive - behavioral therapy in treatment group were treated with routine drug treatment which continued for 12 weeks and eight timescognitive behavioral therapy which lasted 50 mi- nutes every time, while the control group only received routine drug treatmentfor 12 weeks. Respectively, before treatment, after 12 weeks, using WHO health scale (WHOQOL -BREF) to assess the patient~ health status, quality of life scale (QOLS) to evaluate the quality of life of patients, and self rating Depression Scale (SDS) to rate patients depression, also social support rating scale (SSRS) to assess social support of patients. Results Compared with before treatment, after 12 weeks treatment selected patients shown statistically significant difference in SDS, WHOQOL - BREF, QOLS score (P 〈 O. 01 ) ;and the treatment group had statistically significant differences in SSRS scores from the beginning (P 〈 0.05) whilethe control group had no significant difference (P 〉 0.05). When compared two groups , they shown statistical signif- icance difference in SDS, WHOQOL -BREF, QOLS score (P 〈 0.01 ) but no significant differences in SSRS score. Conclusion Cognitive - behavioral therapy may help to improve quality of life and mental health status of the suicide patients with schizo- phrenia.
Sichuan Mental Health
Incomplete suicide Schizophrenia Antipsychotic drugs Cognitive- behavioral therapy