地形图在扫描过程中不可避免地会产生误差,这些误差使图像发生变形,为了使图像能满足实际应用,就必须对图像进行校正,拼接。通过Photoshop CS5的部分命令,初步校正扫描地形图,后期利用ArcGIS 10软件对初步校正的地形图进行配准校正,提高了图形拼接效果和位置精度。
Errors could be inevitable in the topographic map scanning process, and these errors may de- form the image, in order to meet the practical application of the image, the image must be corrected and splicing. Through commands of Photoshop CS5, topographic maps scanning could be adjusted; the latter using the ArcGIS 10 software, registration and correction of the preliminary topographic maps could be done, and graphics splicing effects and positional accuracy also could be improved.
Forest Inventory and Planning