
唾液酸与唾液酸识别蛋白研究进展 被引量:1

Recent Research Progress of Sialic Acid and Sialic-Acid-Recognizing Proteins
摘要 唾液酸(sialic acid)是广泛存在于生命系统中的一类蛋白类物质,近年来因其在生物学研究及生物制药领域的重要价值成为了研究热点。文章综述了唾液酸的特性、唾液酸识别蛋白的种类、唾液酸与唾液酸识别蛋白结合所产生的生物学效应等方面的最新研究进展。 The sialic acid is a kind of life protein substances, which has been a research hotspot thanks to its important biological and pharmacutical value in recent years. Recent research progress on the characteristics, species and the biological effect sialic acid and its recognizing proteins is reviewed.
出处 《文山学院学报》 2013年第6期20-23,共4页 Journal of Wenshan University
关键词 唾液酸 识别蛋白 糖链 细胞 结合 Sialic acid recognizing proteins carbohydrates cell attachment
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