
钢质夹层桥梁防护装置的耐撞性能研究 被引量:2

Crashworthiness properties of steel sandwich protection devices for bridges
摘要 通过对桥梁防护装置研究,提出四棱柱式与双折叠式夹层板桥梁防护装置,采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA非线性有限元对其耐撞性能进行数值仿真,探讨两种夹层板防护装置的尺寸参数对其性能的影响.研究结果表明:经结构优化后四棱柱式夹层板的耐撞性能优于双折叠式;分别用两种夹层板替换传统钢质箱式防护装置的外围板,两种夹层板式防护装置的耐撞性能均优于传统钢质防护装置,而四棱柱式防护装置的性能最佳. In the paper,the protective equipment of bridges was studied. The new type of protective equipment, which was the double-folding and rectangular column sandwich steel protective devices,was suggested. The ANSYS/LS-DYNA,a nonlinear dynamics finite element software,was applied to simulate the crashworthiness performance of the rectangular column steel sandwich plate and the double-folding steel sandwich plate,and the crashworthiness performance factors of the two sandwich plates were analyzed for different structure parameters to optimize the overall crashworthiness sandwich plate. The results showed that the rectangular column sandwich plates were better than double-folding sandwich plates in crashworthiness. Then,two sandwich plates were used to replace the outsize steel plates of the traditional box-protective device. We found that the overall crashworthiness of two sandwich steel protective devices were better than the traditional box-protective device. The crashworthiness performance of the rectangular column sandwich steel protective device is the best.
出处 《江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第5期430-438,共9页 Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition
基金 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2012J01240)
关键词 防护装置 四棱柱式夹层板 双折叠式夹层板 耐撞性能 结构优化 protective device rectangular column sandwich plane double-folding sandwich plane crashworthiness performance structural optimization
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