This article presents an analysis of the sheep and goats remains unearthed from the Terminal Neolithic sites of Taosi and Xinzhai sites (2500-1800cal.BC) as well as the Early Bronze Age site of Erlitou (1800-1500cal.BC) in China's Central Plains. We explore the possibility for secondary product production of sheep and goats in this region at that time period. The relative proportions of the NISP and MNI of sheep among the mammal assemblage at Taosi site increase from less than 5% during Phase I and 11 to around 10% during Phase IM. Among the sheep assemblage at Taosi during Phase 111 around 40% died older than 4 years old,especially 25% older than 6 years old and none died younger than 6 months old. The relative proportions of sheep among the mammal assemblage at Xinzhai site increase from less than 4. 10% (NISP) and 13.30% (MNI) during Phase I to around 15%-21% ( NISP and MNI) during Phase II and III. Among the sheep assemblage at Xinzhai more than 50% died older than 4 years old and none or very few died younger than 6months old during Phase II and m. The relative proportion of NISP and MNI of sheep among the mammal assemblage at Erlitou site is around 15%-20% from Phase 11 to Phase IV. During Phase I1 Most of sheep at Erlitou died younger than 3 years old,especially around 35% died younger than 1 year old and only around 25% died older than 5 years old. While during Phase IV around 50% died older than 4 years old, especially more than 20% died older than 6 years old and less than 2% died younger than 6 months old. The mortality profiles of sheep and goats from these three sites except Erlitou during Phase II match the kill-off patterns of the wool exploitation and suggest extensive exploitation of wool in the Central Plains from the Terminal Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. The increase of sheep/goat among the archaeological fauna from the Terminal Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age indicates the development of sheep/goats herding, which might be related to the intensive wool exploitation. The zooarchaeological research on faunal assemblages from Taosi and Erlitou sites also reveals the complexity of sheep and goats herding practices. Very few of sheep were exploited during Phase I and II, but large quantities of sheep were exploited mainly for wool exploitation at Taosi. While at Erlitou,sheep were mainly exploited for meat consumption at Phase II and III, but mainly exploited for wool exploitation during Phase IV. That indicates variety of sheep/goats exploitation between elite and non-elite contexts or among different social groups and between urban sites and village sites.
Quaternary Sciences
Katherine Brunson的工作和研究得到美国National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship(批准号:DGE-1144087)资助
wool exploitation, zooarchaeological research, Central Plains, Neolithic Age,Early Bronze Age