
中国人群抑郁症自杀危险因素的Meta分析 被引量:22

Risk factors for suicidal behaviors in Chinese population with depression:a Meta analysis
摘要 目的:综合评价中国人群抑郁症自杀的危险因素,为抑郁症自杀的预防控制决策提供参考依据。方法:应用Meta分析方法对国内28篇有关抑郁症自杀危险因素文献结果进行定量综合分析,采用Review manager 5.0进行异质性检验及合并OR值和95%置信区间(95%confidential interval,95%CI)的计算。结果:中国人群抑郁症各个危险因素合并OR(95%CI)值分别为:绝望6.98(5.27,9.23)、焦虑2.24(1.75,2.88)、自知力障碍2.33(1.69,3.2)、妄想3.43(2.57,4.28)、睡眠障碍2.72(1.89,3.91)、自罪自责2.45(1.94,3.08)、自杀家族史1.7(1.24,2.31)、汉密顿抑郁量表(Hamilton depression scale,HAMD)评分6.15(3.78,8.52)、迟滞或联想障碍0.53(0.38,0.75)、性别1.11(1.03,1.21)、胆固醇-0.55(-0.71,-0.38)、饮酒1.7(1.11,2.61)、已婚1.7(1.15,2.50)、负性生活事件3.94(3.04,5.11)、性格内向2.03(1.3,3.04)。结论:HAMD评分高,合并绝望、妄想、焦虑、自知力障碍、睡眠障碍、自罪自责等症状,有自杀家族史、饮酒史、性格内向、已婚、低胆固醇水平、近期有负性生活事件发生均为抑郁症自杀发生的危险因素。 Objective: To systemically evaluate risk factors for suicidal behaviors in Chinese population with depression. Methods: Quantitative comprehensive analysis was made on 28 domestic literatures concerning risk factors for suicidal behaviors in Chinese population with depression,both evaluating the consistency of researches and calculating pooled OR and 95% confidential interval (95%CI) of risk factors for suicidal behaviors by Review manager 5.0. Results :Pooled OR (95%CI) were :hopelessness 6.98 (5.27, 9.23) ; anxiety 2.24 (1.75,2.88) ; insight disorder 2.33 (1.69,3.2) ; hallucination 3.43 (2.57,4.28) ; sleeping disorder 2.72 ( 1.89,3.91 ) ; guilty 2.45(1.94,3.08);suicidal family history 1.7(1.24,2.31);Hamilton depression scale(HAMD) scores 6.15(3.78,8.52);delayed or association disturbance 0.53 (0.38,0.75) ; female 1.11 ( 1.03,1.21 ) ; cholesterol -0.55 ( -0.71, -0.38 ) ; drinking 1.7 ( 1.11,2.61 ) ; mar- ried 1.7 (1.15,2.50) ; negative life events 3.94 (3.04,5.11 ) ; introversion 2.03 (1.3,3.04). Conclusions: High HAMD scores, symptoms of hopelessness, anxiety, insight disorder, hallucination, sleeping disorder, suicidal family history, drinking history, married, introversion, low cholesterol level, and negative life events are risk factors for suicidal behaviors in Chinese population with depression.
出处 《重庆医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1495-1499,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Medical University
关键词 抑郁症 自杀 危险因素 META分析 depression suicide risk factor Meta analysis
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