
退休年龄政策调整:日本经验与中国借鉴 被引量:29

The Adjustments of Retirement Age Policies:Japan's Experiences and Its Enlightenment for China
摘要 在人口老龄化和养老金财政压力推动下,在预期寿命延长和经济结构轻型化条件下,日本展开了劳动退休年龄与年金支付结构双调整,退休年龄提高、养老制度改革与劳动政策修订三同步的退休政策改革。有鉴于此,我国要基于延迟退休的多种属性和多重目标,遵循利益兼顾的顶层设计思路,综合预期寿命、就业压力和养老财政状况来确定延迟退休的启动时机和间隔跨度,注重退休金支付结构和就业政策的配套跟进,以控制提前退休为当前着眼点,以构建弹性退休体系为长期落脚点,渐进有序地推动退休年龄政策调整。 Under the push of population aging and financial pressure of pension and in circumstances of the ex tension of life expectancy and of lightweight economic structure ,Japan's government adjusted the retirement age and pension payment structure and implemented reforms of increasing retirement age, pension system and labor policies. In view of this, China should delay retirement age based on a variety of attributes and multiple objec tives, following the high - level design ideas of benefit sharing. And then , China should determines the com mencing opportunity and the span of adjusting retirement age according to life expectancy, employment pres sure and retirement financial situation. Furthermore, China should emphasizes on the follow - up of pension payment structure and employment policy, currently focusing on the controlling the early retirement and building a flexible retirement system as foothold, and gradually propel the adjustments of retirement age policies.
作者 张士斌
出处 《现代日本经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期66-75,共10页 Contemporary Economy OF Japan
基金 国家社科基金项目"老龄化成本分担视域下的退休政策调整研究"(13CRK003) 贵州省哲学社会科学课题"贵州新型人口城镇化的发展道路及评价指标体系研究"(12GZYB23)
关键词 日本 退休年龄调整 利益兼顾 养老金制度改革 弹性退休体系 Japan adjustment of retirement age benefit sharing reform of pension system flexible retirement system
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