
锥形束CT在早期诊断牙根纵裂中的应用效果观察 被引量:4

The Effect on Cone Beam CT Used in the Early Diagnosis of Vertical Root Fracture
摘要 目的:观察锥形束CT(CBCT)在对牙根纵裂早期临床诊断中的应用。方法:回顾性分析2011年8月至2012年2月在我院口腔科诊治的72例可疑牙根纵裂患者病例,对比研究CBCT与曲面体层片(OPG)检查结果。结果:CBCT检查结果正确率为86.1%;OPG检查结果正确率为37.5%,CBCT检查结果正确率明显高于OPG(X2=6.734,P<0.01);组间比较CBCT检查纵折部位正确率明显高于OPG(X2=6.271,P<0.01),有统计学意义。结论:CBCT影像学检查能明确诊断出牙根纵裂及其纵折部位,对做出早期诊断具有重要意义。 Objective:To observe the effect of cone beam CT (CBCT) on early diagnosis of vertical root fracture .Method:72 cases of patients suspected of vertical root fracture treated in our hospital were retro-spectively analyzed from Aug.2011 to Feb.2012, the results of the examination of CBCT and orthopanto-mography (OPG) were compared and studied .Result:The correct rate of the CBCT findings was 86.1%;the correct rate of OPG examination results was 37 .5%, the findings of CBCT was significantly higher than the OPG (X2=6.734, P〈0.01);Comparison between groups, CBCT longitudinal fracture position accuracy was higher than that of OPG (X2=6.271, P〈0.01), there was statistical significance.Conclusion:CBCT imaging can clearly diagnose vertical root fracture and vertical fracture site, it is important for making an ear-ly diagnosis.
出处 《河北医学》 CAS 2014年第1期95-97,共3页 Hebei Medicine
关键词 锥形束CT 曲面体层片 牙根纵裂 Cone beam CT Orthopantomography Vertical root fracture
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