目的分析最近13年我国发表的有关水产品食物中毒的研究结果,了解其流行病学特征,指导消费者食用水产品,为减少中毒发生提供依据。方法检索期刊数据库中2000年至今的所有与水产品食物中毒相关的医学类文献,按一定的标准和步骤剔除无关文献,对中毒发生的时间、地点、死亡人数、潜伏期、临床症状等有关资料进行分析。结果纳入统计文献30篇,报道病例2 953例。有14个以上的省和地区有报道,沿海的浙江、福建、江苏、广东等省文献报道数量明显高于其他省。全年均有发生,第二、三、四季度报道较多。中毒涉及的食物在17种以上,其中较多的是螺类,共有12篇文献,报道了758例病人。中毒因素有贝类毒素、河豚毒素、副溶血性弧菌、胆盐、组胺、珊瑚礁鱼毒素和未知致Haff病的因素等。临床上胃肠道症状较为普遍,不同中毒因素有其特点,其中河豚毒素引起的中毒致死率最高且潜伏期短,应予重视。结论消费者要有选择性地挑选水产品,并注意保存和处理,避免变质和交叉感染。食品安全监管部门要做好管理监督工作,利用媒体向消费者普及预防水产品食物中毒的科学知识。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics research results on food poisoning caused by aquatic products in China, which published in the last 13 years; to guide consumers how to eat aquatic products and reduce food poi-soning events. Methods Information was collected by searching all the related medical literatures of food poisoning caused by aquatic products in periodical database since 2000; irrelevant literatures were eliminated on the basis of certain standard and procedures: Time, places, death toll, incubation periods, clinical symptoms and other information of poisoning incidents in qualified literatures were analyzed. Results A total of 30 published papers were included for analysis, with 2 953 cases repor-ted. More than 14 provinces and regions reported food poisoning events. Coastal provinces, such as Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangsu and Guangdong outnumbered other provinces for papers significantly. Cases were reported throughout the year, more cases were reported in the second, third and fourth quarters. More than 17 kinds of food were involved in food poisoning, snails ranked top 1 with 12 articles and 758 cases reported. Poisoning factors were shellfish toxin, tetrodotoxin, vibrio parahaemo-lyticus, bile salts, histamine, Coral reef fish toxin and Half disease caused by unknown factors. Gastrointestinal symptoms were the most common clinical symptoms, different toxic factors has special characteristics. Among all toxic factors, tetrodo-toxin should be paid more attention due to its high fatality and short incubation period. Conclusion Consumers should pick a-quatic products selectively and be careful for preservation and processing. Deterioration and cross contamination should be avoi-ded as much as possible. Food safety authorization departments must fulfill their job in management and supervision, and pub-licize scientific knowledge to prevent food poisoning of aquatic products through media.
Jiangsu Journal of Preventive Medicine
aquatic products
food poisoning
epidemiological analysis