目的 利用近红外特征谱段相关系数法建立快速鉴别保健品中非法添加盐酸丁二胍的方法.方法 以盐酸丁二胍对照品的近红外光谱图为参照光谱,选择特征谱段,根据已知样本的近红外光谱与参照光谱的相关系数、盐酸丁二胍的有效剂量,确定阈值,建立检测模型.结果 选定7294~7402cm-1,5354~5432cm-1波数为特征谱段,设定阈值r=80%,用10批含盐酸丁二胍的样品进行验证,相关系数高于阈值的有10批,占样品总量的100%;用7批不含盐酸丁二胍的降糖类样品进行验证,相关系数低于阈值的有6批,占样品总量的85.71%.结论 该方法具有较好的预测能力,可用于保健品中非法添加盐酸丁二胍的快速检测.
OBJECTIVE To adopt the near infrared (NIR) correlation coefficient method for the rapid identification of illegally added Buformin hydrochloride in health foods. METHODS With the near infrared spectrum of buformin hydrochloride was used as reference spectrum, the specific spectrum was selected. According to the known sample NIR spectra, the correlation coefficient of reference spectrum, the effective dose of buformin hydrochloride, the threshold was determined and the detection model was established. RESULTS The spectrum band 7294 - 7402cm^-1 and 5354 - 5432cm^-1 were selected as the characterstic spectral band. The threshold value r was set as 80%. 10 samples containing buformin hydrochloride were used for verification. 10 samples had the correlation coefficient of more than 80%, accounting for 100% of the total samples. 7 hypoglycemic samples without buformin hydrochloride were used for verification. 6 samples had the correlation coefficient of less than 80%, accounting for 85.71% of the total samples. CONCLUSION This method has better predictive ability, which may be used as a fast detection method to determine illegally added buformin hydrochloride in health foods.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal
Near infrared (NIR)
Health foods
Illegally added
Buformin hydroehloride