电影预告片是当今全球普遍采用的电影前期宣传模式,对它的研究多从影视领域入手。但随着多模态话语分析的兴起,电影预告片的多模态性,尤其是动态的多模态艺术表现形式也应得到关注。在对Kress和Van Leeuwen视觉语法与听觉语法理解的基础上,结合张德禄对各模态关系形成的定义,利用视频编辑软件,从整合性和互补性入手,尝试对《国王的演讲》预告片进行多模态视角下的视听意义解读。
The movie trailer made for promoting movies is widely adapted around the world and the research on it always catches the scholars' interest in films and televisions rather than the linguistics. However, with the prevalence of multimodal discourse analysis, equal attention should also be paid to the movie trailer muhimodality, especially to the expressive forms of artistically dynamic multimodality. This paper, based on the understanding of visual grammar and audio grammar proposed by Kress and Van Leeuwen, with regard to the definition made by ZHANG De-lu on the formation of modal relations, by using video editing software and starting from integration and comple- mentarity, tried to interpret the significance of the movie trailer of The King' s Speech from the perspective of audio- visual muhimodal.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition