目的 修复手指近节组织环形缺损或指末节大部皮肤缺损 ,恢复手指正常长度与外形。方法 采用吻合血管的拇趾腓侧皮瓣游离移植。结果 所治 9例均恢复原手指的外形与功能 ,且保留了拇趾的长度、外形与功能。结论 采用拇趾腓侧皮瓣游离移植是治疗手指近节组织环形缺损、指末节大部皮肤缺损的良好方法。
Objective In replanting the injured finger with circumferential soft tissue defect of proximal phalanx or large skin defect of distal phalanx ,a new operative technique is developed to keep its normal length, outward appearance and function. Methods Vascularized skin flap taken from the fibular side of great toe was applied to repair the defect. Results The repaired digit restored its original length,nice looking and normal function while the length,aspect and function of the donor great toe remained the same. Conclusion The flap taken from the fibular side of the great toe is an effective tissue in replanting an amputated thumb with segmental defect.
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics