
软体动物幼体存活率和生长发育温度效应研究进展 被引量:3

Progress on Temperature Effect of Survival Rate and Development of Mollusk Larvae
摘要 软体动物幼体的存活和生长发育需要适宜的温度条件,温度过高或过低都会影响软体动物幼体的存活和生长发育,当温度超出软体动物幼体耐受温度的上下限时,幼体就会逐渐死亡。相比而言,高温对软体动物幼体存活的影响要比低温更加显著。在适宜的温度范围内,环境温度较高,软体动物幼体的生长发育较快。低温对软体动物幼体存活和生长发育的影响主要通过影响幼体生命活动过程中相关酶的活性,从而影响幼体的存活率和生长发育的速率;高温影响主要通过影响幼体代谢过程中的能量收支,从而影响幼体的存活率和生长发育的速率。今后有关温度对软体动物存活和生长发育的影响将主要集中在机理研究。 Survival and development of mollusk larvae need to be appropriate temperature conditions, the temperature too high or too low will affect the survival and development of mollusk larvae, when the tem- perature beyond the upper and lower limit of tolerance temperature of mollusk larvae, larvae will all die. In contrast, the influence of high temperature to survival of mollusk larvae is more significant than the in- fluence of low temperature. In the appropriate temperature range, the environment temperature is higher, development of mollusk larvae rapidly. Low temperature to survival and development of mollusk larvae mainly through the influence of the activity of enzymes involved in the process of the larvae's life activity, which affects the survival and development rate of the larvae~ High temperature influence is mainly by in- fluencing the energy balance in the process of metabolism of the larvae, thus affecting the survival and de- velopment rate of the larvae. In the future, the temperature effect on survival and development of mollusks will focus on the study of mechanism.
作者 王国强
机构地区 西安文理学院
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期90-93,共4页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 陕西省自然科学基金项目(2013JM3013) 陕西省教育厅自然科学基金项目(2013JK0738)
关键词 软体动物 存活率 生长发育 机理 温度效应 Mollusca~ survival rate~ development mechanism temperature effect
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