本试验在引进荷兰标准化菇房生产条件下,对6个双孢蘑菇品种A15、258、W192、20、2796(福建)、2796(河南),以菌丝生长速度、单个子实体大小、菌盖直径以及单位面积产量等为指标,筛选出2个表现优良的菌种A15和258。A15菌丝生长速度较快,出菇较其他品种提早2 d,但菇体偏小,菌柄较长。258平均单产可达19.45 kg·m-2,菌盖直径、菌柄、成熟子实体大小商品性状表现优良,适合目前栽培模式。
The strains of Agaricus b/sporus was the key factor for the output and quality of the mushroom. On the introduction of the standardization of Holland mushroom-growing system conditions, six strains, such as A15,258, W192, 20, 2796 (Fujian) ,2796 (Henan) were compared for growth rate, single fruiting body size, cap diameter and the yield per square meter. And two strains were sreened of A15 and 258. A15 had a good mycelium growth rate, it can have pins as earlier as the other five varieties, also had small cap and longer stipe. Usually it can be used for adjust for the all production circle. 258 had the highest average, and the size was suitable for the fresh market. More importantly, it fit for this cultivation model, and average yield was up to 19.45 kg·m^-2 .
Edible Fungi of China
Agaricus bisporus
Standard mushroom growing-room
Varieties screen