
熟手型幼儿园教师音乐学科教学知识现状的个案调查及相关建议 被引量:3

Kindergarten Teachers’ Musical Pedagogical Content Knowledge Status and Suggestions:A Case Study of a Skilled Teacher
摘要 对重庆市主城区一位熟手型幼儿园教师W所具有的音乐学科教学知识(PCK)进行调查,结果表明:关于音乐内容知识,W教师考虑到了音乐教育内容的全面性问题,并且重视不同音乐内容知识之间的联系.能够根据幼儿园音乐活动类型特点让幼儿学到相应的音乐内容知识;关于音乐教学策略知识,W教师以欣赏为主要教学手段,辅之以语言与身体节奏等教学手段:关于幼儿知识,W教师考虑到了幼儿的认知经验,在有关音乐教学内容的选择上融合了季节元素等.所选择的歌曲和音乐符合幼儿的认知发展水平;关于音乐情境知识.W教师注意到了要创设故事和游戏情境以帮助幼儿学习歌曲和感受音乐。 The author investigated the musical pedagogical content knowledge that Teacher W, a skilled kindergarten teacher, has and the results show that in terms of music content knowledge, teacher W takes into account the content of the comprehensive music education, emphasizes the music integration between content knowledge, and can teach according to the type of activity characteristic so that children learn the corresponding music content knowledge; in terms of music teaching strategies, teacher W uses listening to the song or the music itself as the primary teaching strategies, together with the use of language rhythm and body rhythms teaching strategies; in terms of early childhood knowledge, teacher W, taking children's cognitive experience into account, selects those songs and music which are in line with children's cognitive development; in terms of musical situational knowledge, teacher W is able to create a good story and game situation to help children to learn songs and enjoy music.
作者 向琴
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2014年第1期40-43,58,共5页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
关键词 学科教学知识(PCK) 幼儿园音乐教学 熟手型幼儿园教师 pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) kindergarten music teaching skilled kindergarten teacher
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