目的分析大学生水痘疫情流行特征,为大学校园水痘预防控制提供参考依据。方法以2007-2012年北京某大学报告的水痘病例为基础,对发病率、发病月份、水痘疫苗接种率进行回顾性分析,用CHISS统计软件对数据进行χ2检验及率的多重比较。结果 2007-2012年共报告水痘病例271人,男172人,女99人,男女比例1.74∶1;年龄最小16岁、最大35岁、平均(20.5±2.6)岁,总发病率1.70‰,2007-2012年发病率分别为2.04%、1.69%、1.64%、0.96%、3.11%、0.88%,各年发病率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=52.78,P<0.05);发病较多的月份依次为12、11、3、4月,分别占25.46%、15.13%、9.96%、9.23%;2012年水痘疫苗接种1342人,接种率4.56%,高于往年,各年接种率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=2566.26,P<0.05)。结论水痘免疫人群随着患者及隐性感染者增加而增加,因此,随着免疫人群的逐年累积,在高发病年份之后水痘发病率会有所下降;控制大学校园内水痘的散发和流行,最有效的办法是提高水痘疫苗的接种率从而形成免疫屏障。
OBJECTIVE To analyze the characteristics of epidemic of varicella among the college students so as to provide guidance for the prevention and control of varicella. METHODS By referring to the report for the varicella cases in a university of Beijing from 2007 to 2012, the morbidity, onset month, and rate of varieella vaccination were retrospectively analyzed, then the CHISS statistical software was used to perform the chi-square test for the data and to conduct the multiple comparison. RESULTS Totally 271 cases of varieella have been reported in 2007- 20102,including 172 cases of males and 99 cases of females, with the male-to-female ratio of 1.74 : 1; the youn- gest case was 16 years old, the oldest 35 years old, mean age (20.5±2.6) years old; the total morbidity was 1.70%0, the morbidity was 2.04% in 2007, 1.69% ha 2008, 1.64% in 2009, 0.96% in 2010, 3.11% in 2011, 0.88% in 2012, the difference in the morbidity was statistically significant(χ2 = 52.78 ,P〈0.05) ; 25.46 % of the cases of varicella occurred in December, 15.13% in November, 9.96% in March, 9.23% in April. Totally 1342 people have received the varicella vaccination with the rate of vaccination of 4.56%, higher than that of the past years, the difference was statistically significant(An = 2566.26, P〈0.05). CONCLUSION The varicella immune population increases with the increase of the varicella patients and the cases of latent infections, therefore, as the immune population increases year by year, the incidence of varicella may decline to a certain degree after a high- prevalence year; it is the most effective way to improve the varicella vaccination rate to form the immune barrier so as to control the dissemination and epidemic of varicella in the university campus.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
Vaccination immune
College student