目的通过对我院非医学类大学生急救知识掌握程度以及知识来源的调查,探讨对非医学类大学生急救能力普及的教育、教学方法。方法对我院非医学类大学生采用院外急救知识及技能认知调查表进行问卷调查。结果 2%的大学生认为自己没必要学习这门课程,42%的大学生对于这些涉及生命的知识学习意识较高,但对急救知识、急救能力的掌握程度看所有被调查学生认知率不尽如人意;其急救知识的获得来源多为电视、报刊杂志、科教书以及网络等。结论普及非医学类大学生急救知识势在必行,应加大改进教学方法以及教育力度。
Object Through the surveys on non-medical students for the mastery and sources of first aid knowledge to ex- plore the education and teaching methods of the universal of first aid ability for non-medical students. Methods Use the ques- tionnaire method of first aid knowledge outside the hospital and skill awareness to make surveys on the non-medical students in our hospital. Results 2% of the students thought that them was no need to learn this course,42% of which had a high sense for the knowledge involved in the life but with a low mastery of the first aid knowledge and ability, and these were mainly obtained from television, newspapers and magazines, books, and other network science. Conclusion The popularity of first aid knowledge to non-medical students is imperative,and we should pay greater efforts to improve teaching methods and education.
Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute
non - medical
first and capability
Educational reasearch