
对称正渗透膜制备及膜性能表征 被引量:1

Preparation and Performance of Symmetric Forward Osmosis Membrane
摘要 文章以聚乙烯醇、氧化石墨烯、间苯二胺和均苯三甲酰氯为制膜材料,采用溶液浇注法制备对称正渗透膜,考察各物质含量对膜性能的影响,并对膜进行结构表征和性能测试。结果表明,当以去离子水为原料液,2 mol/L硫酸镁溶液为汲取液时,所制备正渗透膜通量为3.5 LMH,盐反向通量为9.8 gMH。同时,SEM和通量测试表明所制备正渗透膜呈无支撑层的对称结构,可以避免内浓差极化对通量造成的影响,且具有较高的抗污染性能。 The symmetric forward osmosis membrane (SFOM) was prepared with polyvinyl alcohol, grapheme oxide, M- phenylenediamine and trimesoyl chloride by solution casting. Effects of different components contents on the performance of the forward osmosis (FO) membrane were investigated. The membranes were also tested in FO cell to evaluate the effect of internal concentration polarization (ICP). Results showed that water flux 3.5 LMH and salt reverse flux 9.8 gMH were obtained with DI water as feed solution and 2 mol/L MgSO4 as draw solution. Meanwhile, SEM images showed that no porous support layer was found in the SFOM membrane, which could avoid the influence of ICP and exhibit excellent anti- fouling property.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期10-14,共5页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51278079)
关键词 正渗透膜 支撑层 内浓差极化 symmetric forward osmosis membrane (SFOM) support layer ICP
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