

An Exploration of the Relationship between EFL University Teachers' Beliefs and Their Teaching Practices Based on EFL Teachers in IMUT
摘要 随着认知心理学的蓬勃发展,外语教学研究方向由教师行为转向了教师心理。教师信念作为考量教师心理的一个重要维度受到了研究者的普遍关注。本研究旨在探究高校英语教师信念与教学实践之间的关系及阻碍教师信念运用于教学实践的因素。通过对内蒙古工业大学四名英语教师进行课堂观察与访谈,得到相关研究结果:英语教师的教师信念基本上与教师教学实践相符,大多数教师可将所持有的教学信念运用到课堂教学之中。当然,两者间的一致性并不是绝对的。教师信念的实施有时会受教学任务繁重、学时数有限、班级容量过大、考试的压力、学生的态度及英语水平差异等因素的影响,不能完全运用到教师的课堂实践当中。 With the profound development of cognitive psychology, there is a great shift from teachers' behavior to teachers' cognition in the field of foreign language education research. As one of the important dimensions to examine teachers' cognition, teachers' beliefs have drawn much attention. This study aims at exploring the relationship between EFL teachers' beliefs and teaching practices, as well as the barriers to practicing their beliefs in classroom teaching. The subjects of this study are selected from Inner Mongolia University of Technology, who were interviewed and whose classes were observed. The results show for most EFL university teachers, their beliefs are in most cases congruent with their teaching practices. Most of them can apply their beliefs to their teaching; however, it is impossible to match the two sides totally. There are several barriers to practicing teachers' beliefs in classroom teaching: heavy teaching loads, limited class time, the big class size, the pressure from tests, and students' negative attitudes and low proficiency.
作者 斯琴
出处 《内蒙古工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期114-118,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Polytechnic University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2010年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目"内蒙古自治区高校外语教师专业发展问题与对策研究"(10YJA740012)阶段性成果之一 内蒙古工业大学校级科研项目(SK201118)
关键词 教师信念 教学实践 高校英语教师 teachers' beliefs teaching practices EFL university teachers
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