
废玻璃的经济回收与资源化利用(英文) 被引量:4

Reuse of Waste Glass via an Economic Treatment Process
摘要 废玻璃是一种具有回收价值的固体废物,但是,目前废玻璃的垃圾填埋处置成本过高.本文建立一种废玻璃经济化的资源化处置方法.探讨经济且操作简单的废玻璃回收的方法.在工程应用研究中,以其作为骨料的基本材料,在处理过程中,采用简单的破碎和筛分.利用矩阵模型预测,废玻璃骨料粒径范围为1.18~4.75 mm,所占产品的比例为62%.结果表明:废玻璃作为骨料,浸出物的重金属的浓度极低,BOD5的浓度大约为20 ~ 35 mg/L.通过安全研究可知当废玻璃作为骨料回收时,废玻璃骨料回收过程是安全的. Waste glass is a potential solid waste and currently disposed in landfills at high cost. This paper has found a predicted model and its safety assessment method for sound beneficial environmental and engineering solutions of waste glass disposal. Waste glass is difficult recycled without using cullet to produce new glass beverage containers in glass manufacturing if not extensively to replace natural aggre- gate for botanic culture media and white sand around beach. As the aggregates are basic materials in this novel engineering application, an economic and simple operation method were explored, using the simple crushing and rounding equipment with sieving in the process. The product ratio of waste glass aggregate is 62 % when the waste glass aggregate size range is 1.18 mm to 4.75 mm. Using the matrix model the amount of product waste glass aggregate can be predicted. The results show that the concentration of the heavy metals is not reduced by leaching wastewater through waste glass aggregate. BOD5 concentration is about 20 - 35 mg/L. A safety assessment method has been used.
出处 《沈阳化工大学学报》 CAS 2013年第4期376-384,共9页 Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology
基金 support given by Sustainable Earth Research Centre Faculty of Engineering,University of Wollongong and Resources,NSW(Illawarra Waste Board) supported by National science&Technology support programs(2012 BACO2B04)
关键词 废玻璃 再利用 经济的处理工艺 waste glass reusing economic treatment process
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