铁路煤炭卸车站布置图型是根据卸煤工艺流程、结合自然条件和工程实际配套确定,不同的卸煤方式及卸车线布置对应了不同的效率和运输能力。通过分析翻车机和卸煤坑2种主要的火车卸煤方式与卸车设备及工艺配合的优缺点,研究采用翻车机和卸煤坑2种卸煤方式的不同站型布置形式及特点,并通过工程实例进行说明:(1)采用翻车机卸车,每台翻车机年卸车量要求高于600万t时,应优先采用贯通式布置,并按1台双翻翻车机对应2股道配置重车到达线;(2)年卸车量在2 000万t以上时,优先考虑采用卸煤坑卸车,并应单独设置卸煤线;(3)年卸车量在600万t以下时,可将到发线与卸煤线合设。
Combined with unloading equipment and technology, the station type shall be selected reasonably and the station lines shall be arranged reasonably, which will provide preference for similar special railway line. Through the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of two kinds of coal unloading modes tippler and coal unloading pit, a study is made on layout form and characteristics of such two kinds of different station types and a description is done by engineering case. The layout of coal unloading railway station is determined according to coal unloading technological process, natural condition and actual auxiliary works. The efficiency and traffic capacity depend on coal unloading mode and coal unloading line layout : ( 1 ) For tippler unloading mode, if it is required that the unloading quantities of each tippler be more than 6×10^6 t , the through layout mode shall be adopted first and each double-tippler shall be allocated with double loaded train arrival tracks. (2) If the unloading quantities is 2 × 10^7 t in each year, the coal unloading pit mode shall be adopted first and the coal unloading line shall be set independently. (3) If the unloading quantities is less than 2× 10^6 t in each year, the arrival-departure track and coal unloading track may be set as one.
High Speed Railway Technology
coal unloading pit
layout of station