对保存于国家种质武汉水生蔬菜资源圃内90份荸荠[Heleocharis dulcis(Burm.f.)Trin.ex Hensch.]资源感官品质性状(脐部特征、单个球茎质量、甜度、化渣度)和理化品质性状(干物质含量、可溶性糖含量、淀粉含量)进行了测试分析。结果表明,荸荠资源品质性状具有广泛的遗传多样性,数量性状变异系数达18.2%~31.3%,质量性状类型多样,并且存在一定的相关性。采用主成分分析法得到了90份荸荠资源品质的综合排名,排名前20位的均为鲜食型荸荠,该方法可以较好地用于鲜食荸荠品质性状的评价。
Sensory quality characters(corm hilum feature, single corm weight, sweetness, tenderness) and chemical quality characters(dry matter content, soluble sugar content, starch content) of 90 Chinese water chestnut resources conserved in Wuhan National Germplasm Repository for Aquatic Vegetables were tested and analyzed. Results showed that these resources had abundant genetic diversity. Coefficient of variation of quantitative characters were ranged from 18.2% to 31.3%. Qualitative characters had varied types. There was some correlation among quality characters. The 90 Chinese water chestnut resources were ranked by principal component analysis and the top 20 were fresh-eating resources. Principal component analysis was quite suitable for the comprehensively evaluating qualitative characters of fresh-eating Chinese water chestnut.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences