

Effects of Rapid Chilling on Longissimus Dorsi Moisture Retention and Ultrastructure of Rabbit
摘要 为探讨快速冷却对兔肉保水性及超微结构的影响,选取24只獭兔进行屠宰,取背最长肌,按试验设计进行快速冷却和常规冷却处理后测定肉品质相关指标。结果表明,快速冷却能增加肌浆蛋白和全蛋白的溶解度,降低肌肉加压损失率和蒸煮损失率;宰后1 d两处理组的超微结构变化差异明显,肌节均发生明显缩短,且快速冷却组肌节长度显著短于常规冷却组。 24 rabbits were selected and slaughtered to investigate effects of rapid chilling and conventional chilling on mois- ture retention and ultrastructure of rabbit meat. The results showed that rapid chilling could increase the solubility of whole protein and sarcoplasmic protein, and the capacity of water-holding. At the second day after treatment, there had great dif- ference of ultrastructural changes between the two treatment groups. The sarcomere length of the rapid chilling group were significantly shorter than that of conventional chilling group.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2013年第22期5531-5534,共4页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30972133) 江苏省科技支撑计划项目(SBC200960038)
关键词 兔肉 保水性 快速冷却 背最长肌 超微结构 rabbit meat moisture retention rapid chilling longissimus dorsi ultrastructure
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