An investigation was made on stand growth and structure of Larix leptolepis plantation at Longshan County. The results showed that, the plantation of Larix leptolepis performed well on middle altitude mountainous area at Longshan County. The average diameter at breast height (DBH) was 8.43cm for plantation with 12a - 13a, and the DBH of the biggest individual was 0. 9 times of that of the smallest one. Average height of all individuals was 6. 34m, and the height of the biggest individual was 1. 1 times of that of the smallest one. Average volume was 12. 84 m3/hm2 , and the tree vol- ume of plantation with the highest production was 34. 6 times of that with the lowest production. The plantation in this area was pure with only one wood species. Among them, individuals of Larix leptolepis accounted for 97.2%, while individu- als of broad leaf species accounted for only 2. 8%, which included Populus adenopoda, Sassafras tzumu and Betula lumi- nifera, etc. It lacked for high quality broad leaf species, so planting artificially is needed. The plantation of Larix leptole- pis had a property of strong stability. It was a good example that there were 86.4% of normal individuals still existed after the huge ice disaster in 2008. The plantations of Larix leptolepis could be divided into two types, one was pure plantation, and another was sparse plantation. All of them are "fit for improving in the way of nature-imitation.
Hunan Forestry Science & Technology
Larix leptolepis
stand structure
improving in the way of nature-imitation