
温州市青春发育期学生身体形态、体力活动的调查与分析 被引量:2

Investigation on Body Configuration and Physical Activity of Puberty Students in Wenzhou
摘要 目的:调查分析温州市青春发育期学生的身体形态、体力活动情况,为制定青少年的体力活动推荐标准提供理论依据。方法:对温州市小学、初中、高中学生进行整群、分层抽样,测量其身高、体重、皮褶厚度等身体形态指标;利用Actigraph GT3X传感器检测连续7天(含5个工作日和2个休息日)的活动步数;并填写青春期发育量表、7天体力活动和日常生活习惯问卷。结果:①温州儿童少年身高、体重、BMI随身体发育程度增长而显著增加(P<0.05),其中男生身高平均值都高于女生(P<0.05),青春期早期、青春期后男生体重平均值大于女生,P<0.05。②整体的体脂百分率无显著性差异,但是男生青春期晚期的体脂百分比均值较青春期早期以及女生少(P<0.05)。③少年儿童青春期晚期的腰臀比均值较青春期前和青春期早期小(P<0.05),主要是男生变化非常显著(P<0.01)。④青春期中期儿童少年身高、体重增长比例最大,BMI指数增长率随青春期发育逐渐下降,体脂百分数、腰臀增长率比先增后减,呈波浪式变化,男女生各指标发育速度不同。⑤儿童少年工作日体力活动均值大于周末(P<0.05),男生工作日和一周体力活动均值多于女生(P<0.05),且在青春期晚期、青春期后多于青春期早、中期(P<0.05)。结论:温州市儿童少年身体形态、体型发育正常,青春期中期为发育快速增长期。BMI随青春期发育程度增加而增长,但男生多为肌肉增加,女生为脂肪增加。由于工作日有正常的体育活动,所以工作日体力活动多于周末,但各发育期一周体力活动无明显差异。男生工作日体力活动多于女生,与课外活动多有关。 Objective: Investigation of Wenzhou puberty students, body configuration and physical activity in order to found the standard of the adolescents' physical activity. Methods: Body shape indexes were measured in students of el ementary school, junior high school and high school students in Wenzhou with clustered and stratified sampling. Activity steps were measured by the Actigraph GT3X sensors for seven consecutive days (including 5 working days and 2 days off), and puberty scale, physical activity and daily life habit 7 days questionnaire were filled. Results: ①The height, weight, BMI of students increased along with the degree of body grow development significantly(P〈0. 05), in which the boys height were higher than girls (P〈0. 05). Early puberty, after puberty boys weight were greater than girls, (P〈0.05). ②There was no significant difference in body fat percentage of puberty students, but body fat percentage of boys in late adolescence was less than in early puberty, and than girls in late adolescence (P〈0. 05). ③ Waist--to--hipratio in late adolescence was less than in before and early puberty (P〈0. 05), but changes were signif- icantly in boys (P〈0. 01). ④Height and weight growth proportion was the largest in mid adolescence students, BMIgrowth rate gradually decreased along with puberty development, body fat percentage, waist--to--hipratio increased first and decreases later, and development speed of each indicator were different in boy and girl. ⑤Physical activity in working days was greater than in weekend (P〈0. 05), boys physical activity in working days were more than girls (P 〈0.05), and boys physical activity in late and after puberty were more than early and middle puberty (P〈0. 05). Conclusion: Wenzhou students, body configuration, development were normal, and rapid growth was in mid adolescence. BMI increased with the degree of puberty, but muscle was increased in boys and fat in girls. Physical activity in working days were more than in weekend because of more sports activities in working days, but there were no difference in each developmental stages. Boys physical activity in working days were more than girls, which related to more extracurricular activities in boys.
出处 《浙江体育科学》 2014年第1期106-110,118,共6页 Zhejiang Sport Science
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2009BAK62B01-005)
关键词 温州市 青春发育期 身体形态 体力活动 Wenzhou puberty body configuration physical activity
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