
流动性纳米复合树脂充填V类洞微渗漏研究 被引量:7

Microleakage of flowable nanocomposite resins on Class V composite restorations
摘要 目的研究流动纳米复合树脂充填Ⅴ类洞的微渗漏程度。方法在96颗离体的磨牙颊侧制备V类洞,随机分为3组,每组32颗牙。分别充填Valux Plus前后牙通用树脂、流动性纳米复合树脂Filtek Z350和Filtek P60复合树脂,样本经冷热循环及加压负载试验后,采用碱性品红染色,颊舌向垂直片切后,每组随机取出2个标本在扫描电镜下观察,其余的标本在体式显微镜下观察充填体边缘微渗漏情况。结果 3种材料中流动性纳米复合树脂Z350微渗漏最小,P60复合树脂微渗漏最大。流动性纳米复合树脂Z350与其他两组相比有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论流动性纳米复合树脂Z350是临床上充填V类洞的较好材料。 Objective To evaluate the effect of micmleakage of flowable nanocomposite resins on Class V composite restorations. Meth- ods Ninety - six premolars are randomly divided into 3 experimental groups, 32 premolars in each group. Class V cavities were prepared on the labial -buccal side of each tooth. Composite 3M Valux Plus, liquid nanocomposite resin Z350 and resin composite P60 were used respectively to each group. After thermal cycling and load experiment, the teeth were immersed in 0.05% basic fuchsin dye for 24 hours under room temperature and all teeth were cut in buccal - lingual direction after that. Two of the samples chosen randomly from each group were observed under the scan- ning electron microscope. The penetration of dye along the wall of cavities of the rest samples in each group was observed under the stereoscopic mi- crescope. Results Restorative nanocomposite resins Z350 produced the least grade of microleakage results among the three group, while the WoO composite resin produced the greatest grade. Significant differences were observed between liquid nanocomposite resins Z350 and two other materi- als ( P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion Liquid nanocomposite resin 7-350 is a better clinical material for restoring Class V cavities.
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2014年第2期87-90,共4页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
基金 2013年承德市科学技术研究与发展计划项目(项目编号:20132142)
关键词 V类洞 充填修复 流动性纳米复合树脂 微渗漏 Resin composite Nano Flowable Microleakage
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