选用诱处 4号大豆和中豌 4号豌豆为供试作物 ,组建间作种植模式 ,并对其资源利用效果进行了测定。结果表明 ,其经济收益有了极大提高 ,产值是同类地小麦的 2 .54倍 ,玉米的2 .17倍 ;化肥氮的施用量较小麦、玉米减少近 2 / 3;经济产品的可消化粗蛋白是同类地小麦田的 1.6 5倍 ,玉米的 1.73倍 ;秸秆的可消化粗蛋白含量高 ,适口性好 ,单位面积所能提供的可消化粗蛋白是小麦秸的 2 1倍 ,玉米秸的 1.58倍。综合效益评价指数是同类地小麦的 3.4倍 ,玉米的 1.77倍。
Resource use efficiency by soybean (Glycine max cv.Youchu No.4) and pea (Pisum satium cv.Zhongwan No.4) intercropping pattern was investigated. The results showed that the production value of this system was 2.54 times of wheat and 2.17 of maize monocropped respectively. Compared with wheat and maize, a nitrogen fertilizer application reduced by 2/3 in this system. The content of digestible crude protein of its products from the system was 1.65 times of wheat and 1.73 times of maize, the digestible crude protein produced on per hectare land was 21 times of wheat straw and 1.58 times of maize straw. The comprehensive evaluation index of the system was 3.4 times of wheat and 1.77 times of maize.
Pratacultural Science
甘肃省"九五"重大科研项目!"景泰荒漠绿洲区农业持续发展技术系统研究"编号 (GK971 - 2 - 32 A)