
不同环糊精对纳他霉素的包埋效果的研究 被引量:2

Study on the inclusion behavior between CDs and natamycin
摘要 解析了α-、β-和γ-环糊精对纳他霉素的相溶解度图,发现α-、β-环糊精呈现A L型,包埋常数分别为3.803×10-5和1.362×10-3,γ-环糊精呈现A N型,α-、β-和γ-环糊精水溶液分别能够使纳他霉素的溶解度增加4.8、15.5、104倍,而组成为α-、β-和γ-环糊精的复合环糊精(CD-C100)能够使纳他霉素的溶解度增加约157倍,对纳他霉素的包埋率为57.15%,经复合环糊精包埋的纳他霉素60℃下储藏6d后,保留率高达98.8%以上。本研究将为扩大纳他霉素在食品中的应用范围提供参考。 The phase soluble diagram of α-,β-,γ-cyclodextrin with natamycin was analyzed. Results showed thatα- and β- cyclodextrin gave AL type,and the inclusion constants were calculated as 3.803 ×10-5and 1.362×10-3,separately. While γ-cyclodextrin gave AN type. The water solubility enhancement folds for α-,β-, γ-cyclodextrin were 4.8,15.5,104 folds,respectively. Furthermore,composite cyclodextrin could also form inclusion with natamycin,and the water solubility enhancement was calculated as 157 folds. The inclusion rate of composite cyclodextrin for natamycin was 57.15%. And the retention rate was 98.8% for natamycin in composite cyclodextrin after storing at 60℃ for 6 days. This study will append applied scope in food for natamycin.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期80-82,86,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(31230057) “十二五”科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD37B03)
关键词 环糊精 包埋 纳他霉素 cyclodextrin inclusion natamycin
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