

On the History of Winchester and the English Civil War
摘要 由于温切斯特具有重要的战略地位,在内战时期温切斯特成为国王阵营和议会阵营之间激烈争夺的地方之一。在1642年至1644年间,温切斯特在议会军和王军之间几易其手,最后被克伦威尔攻下。从短期来看,内战给温切斯特的经济和社会生活造成了极大的破坏。经济的停顿造成温切斯特政府的收入来源中断;在政治上,政府管理机构瘫痪,在处理由内战带来的社会问题上表现出非常无能。然而,从长远来看,它对城市产生的影响却是积极的。在王朝复辟时期,国王查理二世很关注温切斯特城市的建设和发展,这大大促进了温切斯特在之后的世纪里的复苏和发展。 Winchester had advantageous geographical conditions and solid economic foundation, therefore, during the period of the civil war, Winchester became one of the places which were in fierce competition between the King Camp and the Parliamentary Camp. Between 1642 and 1644, Winchester was taken turns between the parliamentary army and the King's army. Finally it was captured by Cromwell. In the short term, the civil war caused great damages to the economic and social life of the city of Winchester. The economic standstill caused the interruption of the source of the income of Winchester' s government; politically, the mechanism of the management of Winchester' s government paralyzed. It became much incompetent on the social problems brought by the civil war. In the thought, the civil war brought great impact, too. However, in the long term, the civil war produced positive influences to the city of Winchester. During the period of the Restoration, the King Charles II were very concerned about the construction and development of the city of Winchester's, which greatly promoted Winchester recovery and development in later centuries.
作者 张宝梅
出处 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第1期64-68,共5页 Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
基金 武汉工程大学科学研究基金项目:英国内战时期的地方政治文化研究(22121401) 湖北省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目:艾伦.埃弗里特的史学思想研究(13q057)
关键词 英国内战 温切斯特 历史考察 消极影响 积极影响 English Civil War Winchester historical investigation negative influence positive influence
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  • 1Daniel Defoe, A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain, Volume One, Everyman' s Library, 1962 : pp. 188 - 189.
  • 2T. Atkinson, The Trussell Manuscripts, Mrs. W. J. Carpenter Turner( ed. ), Papers and Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, Winchester: Warren &Son, LTD, 1957, Vol. XIX, p. 295.
  • 3R. C. Richardson, Social History, Local History and Historiography, Collected Essays, Volume II, Cambridge Scholars Pub- lishing,2011, p. 61.
  • 4Adrienne Rosen, Winchester in Transition 1580 - 1700, Peter Clark (ed.), Country Towns in Pre- industrial England, Leicester University Press 1981 :p. 170, p. 155, p. 150, p. 151, p. 146, pp. 165 - 166, p. 165, p. 170, p. 170, pp. 170 - 171, p. 172, p. 172, p. 172, pp. 172 - 173, p. 184.
  • 5Andrew Thomson, Continuity and Change: A comparison of the Parish Clergy in the Dicoese of Winchester, 1642 - 1663, Andrew Spicer (ed.), Southern History: A Review of the History of the Southern England, Vol 30, 2008, Southern History Society, 2009 :p. 1.
  • 6William Page ( ed. ), The Victorian History of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Vol. V, London: Dawsons of Pallmall Folkestone & London, 1973 : p. 1, p. 346.
  • 7Thomas Carlyle, The Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell with Elucidations, Vol I, London : Methuen &Co. 36 Essex Street W.C. 1904:pp. 220 -221.
  • 8G. N. Godwin, The Civil War in Hampshire (1642 -45) and the Story of Basing House, Hampshire: Laurence Oxley, 1904:p.46, p.46, p. 42, p. 44, pp. 332-333, p. 47.
  • 9Melville Portal ( of Laverstoke), The Great Hall: Winchester Castle, Winchester: Warren & Son, 1899 : p. 2.
  • 10Charles Bailey, From the Municipal Archives of Winchester and Other Documents, Elucidating the Government, Manners and Customs of the Same City, From the Thirteenth Century to the Present Period, Winchester: Hugh Barclay, 1856:p. 147.








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