目的 研究新型的降压药物——血管紧张素受体拮抗剂缬沙坦治疗轻中度高血压病的临床疗效。方法80例患者随机分成2组,缬沙坦80mg/d或依那普利5mg/d,2周后SIDBP≥90mmHg,则剂量加倍,4周后SIDBP≥90mmHg则加服双氢克尿噻25mg/d。结果 两组药物均有明显降压作用。缬沙坦有效率为86.8%,依那普利有效率为88.2%,两组间比较无统计学显著差异性(P>0.05)。缬沙坦和依那普利组分别有40%和42.5%加用利尿剂。结论 缬沙坦治疗轻中度高血压疗效确切,耐受性好,副作用少,每日服1次能维持24小时降压效应。
[Abstract] Objective To investigate a new class of Anti-hypertensive drug the role of angiotension II (Ang II ) receptor antagonist Valsartan in the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension. Methods 80 Patients were randomly divided 2 groups, parallel study with either 80mg Valsartan or 5mg enalapril once daily .Dose doubling and the addition of dihydrochlorothiazide 25mg once a day were required if SIDBP≥ 90mmHg at week 2 and week 4 respectively. Results Blood pressure were significantly reduced in both groups(P <0.00l) .There was no significant difference in responder rates between Valsartan treated patients(86.8%) and patients taking enalapril(88.2%) .The addition of diuretic was required in 40% of patients on Valsartan and 42.5% of patients on enalapril. Conclusion Valsartan once daily is effective, safe and well tolerated in mild to moderate hypertensive patients.