目的 :评价初一年级学生健康危险行为。方法 :对某大城市城区 1 0所中学共 1 0 36名初一年级学生的健康危险行为 ,包括吸烟、饮酒、药物滥用、性行为、离家出走、自杀以及有关交通安全的行为进行问卷调查。结果 :初一年级学生曾经吸烟和饮过啤酒的比例分别为 1 1 .1 %和 52 .2 % ;有 33人 (3 .2 % )未经医生同意使用过安定、舒乐安定等镇静催眠类药物 ;有 4人使用过可卡因、海洛因或鸦片 ;另有 1 0人曾在非医用情况下使用过度冷丁或吗啡。在明确“性行为”的概念后 ,仍有 1 .1 %的学生曾与他人发生过性行为 ,其中男生 9人 ,女生 2人。被调查者离家出走过的比例和尝试过自杀的比例分别为 1 .8%和 1 .6 %。调查还表明 ,初一年级学生的交通安全意识不强 ,在骑自行车的学生中 ,不遵守交通规则和喜欢骑快车是发生撞伤的危险因素。结论 :应重视青少年的健康危险行为 ,以预防为主并及早进行干预 ,保障和促进青少年的身心健康。
Objective: To assess health risk behaviors of the first grade junior middle school students. Methods: Health risk behaviors, including smoking, drinking, drug abuse, sexual behaviors, runaway, suicide and traffic accident-related behaviors, were investigated using questionnaire among 1 036 the first grade junior middle school students in 10 middle schools in a bigger city. Results: The rates of smoking and drinking were 11.1% and 52.2%, 33 students (3.2%) had ever used sedative or hypnotic drugs, such as Diazepam, without the doctor's permission, 4 students had used Cocaine, Heroin or Opium, 10 had used Dolantin or Morphine. Among the surveyed subjects, 1.1%( 9 males, and 2 females ) reported having sexual relation with others when they had know about the definition of “sexual behavior”; 1.8% reported having runaway; 1.6% had attempt to suicide. Some students could not realize the importance of traffic safety, inobservance of traffic rules and preference for riding fast were the risk factors for collision. Conclusion: More attention should be paid to health risk behaviors of middle school students; early prevention and intervention are quite necessary to promote physical and mental health of adolescents.
Chinese Journal of School Health
Dangerous behavior Student health services Drug abuse→Substance abuse