
针药结合治疗卒中后抑郁的临床研究 被引量:9

Clinical research on treating PSD by acupuncture combined with medicine
摘要 目的:通过随机对照的研究方法观察针药结合疗法治疗卒中后抑郁的综合疗效。方法:将150例卒中后抑郁患者随机分为药物治疗组、针刺治疗组与针药结合组,采用单盲的方法观察三组患者治疗前后HAMD、肢体功能、ADL及血清NE与5-HT含量的变化情况。结果:三组患者治疗前后HAMD、肢体功能、ADL及血清NE与5-HT含量均有显著改善,其中针药结合组在这些指标治疗前后差值方面显著优于药物治疗组与针刺治疗组。结论:针药结合疗法治疗卒中后抑郁较单纯针刺或药物治疗均显示出了明显的综合优势。 Objective: To observe the effect on treating PSD (posts stroke depression) by acupuncture and medicine. Methods: 150 cases were randomly divided into medicine treated group, acupuncture treated group, acupuncture combined with medicine group, with single blind method to observe changes of HAMD, the limb function, ADL and serum NE and 5-HT levels before and after treatment. Results: Before and after treatment HAMD, the limb function, ADL and serum NE and 5-HT levels of the three groups were significantly improved, acupuncture combined with medicine group was better than medicine treated group and acupuncture treated group. Conclusion: Compared with medicine or acupuncture alone, acupuncture combined with medicine has the comprehensive advantages on treating PSD.
机构地区 厦门市中医院
出处 《中医临床研究》 2014年第1期14-17,共4页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 福建省卫生厅创新课题(2007-CXB-14)
关键词 卒中后抑郁 针药结合 临床研究 PSD Acupuncture combined with medicine Clinical research
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