研究目的:研究年龄变化对中老年男性下楼梯过程中步态以及足底受力的影响,以期探讨随着年龄的增长,老年人下楼梯过程中身体稳定性变化趋势.研究方法:筛选出30名没有骨骼、神经肌肉、视力、心理等疾病且1年之内没有住院历史的40~69岁中老年男性作为研究对象.研究对象按年龄分为3组,每组10名.A组(40~ 49岁);B组(50 ~ 59岁);C组(60 ~ 69岁).用测力台(KISTLER-9287BA,9281 CA)采集受试者下楼梯过程中的足底压力参数.研究结果:下楼梯过程中,足底垂直压力曲线第一峰值压力随年龄的递增呈现出减小的趋势.波谷与第二峰值压力随年龄的递增呈现变大趋势.AB两组受试者压力曲线差异不大,C组受试者第一峰值压力、谷值压力与第二峰值压力与AB两组均产生显著性差异.下楼梯过程中,足底左右方向的压力曲线第一峰值压力随年龄的增长呈现递减趋势,但是第二压力峰值随年龄的增长呈现递增趋势.下楼梯过程中,足底前后方向的压力在足蹬离地面阶段产生的压力峰值,AB两组受试者差异不大,C组受试者显著低于其他两组.研究结论:认为在下楼梯运动中,40到59岁之间的中老年男性,足底压力参数差异不明显,但是60至69岁中老年男性在很多影响身体稳定性的参数与60岁以下中老年男性存在显著性差异.以60岁为临界点,中老年男性下楼梯时身体稳定性下降显著.
This paper attempts to study influence of age on gait phase and plantar pressure in middle - aged and elderly men stair descent, explore the body stability trend with age increase. 30 middle -aged men without bone, nerve, muscle, vision, mental diseases were screened by survey, all subjects without hospitalization history within one year. Subjects were divided into three groups, 10 in each group. Group A (40 -49 years old) ; B group (50 -59 years old) C group (60 -69 years old). Two force plates (KISTLER9287BA,9281CA,Siwtzerland) were embedded in the third and fourth stair respectively to collect plantar pressure parameters in subjects during stairs descent. It is demonstrated that foot vertical pressure curve peak pressure increment showed a decreasing trend with age during stairs descent. Trough and the second peak pressure showing larger trend with age increments. Pressure curve is insignificant between A and B group. The first peak pressure, trough value pressure and the second peak pressure of group C showed a significant difference compared with group A and B. During stair descent, the first peak of the Medial/Lateral ground reaction forces curve pressure increase with age, but the second pressme peak presents an increasing trend with age of growth. Anterior/Posterior ground reaction forces: The peak Anterior/Postexior ground reaction forces during enough push off the ground phase of group C showed a significant larger compared with group A and B. But there was no significant difference between group A and B. It is concluded that during stair descent, middle -aged men between the ages of 40 ~ 59, gait and plantar pressure parameters were not significantly different. But the 60 - 69 year - old males, showed significant differences in many parameters affect the stability of the body compared with middle - aged men under the age of 60. This description to the body stability during stair descent, 60 - year - old is the critical point.
Shandong Sports Science & Technology
middle - aged men
stairs descent
plantar pressure