
压水堆核电厂选址假想事故初步研究 被引量:1

Study on Postulated Accident for Siting of Pressurized-water Nuclear Power Plants
摘要 简要介绍了核电厂选址假想事故的发展过程,比较了基于RG1.183和RG1.195选址假想事故源项的计算假设,结合AP1000和CPR1000两种堆型计算了选址假想事故源项,同时结合某核电厂址计算了对公众造成的辐射影响。计算结果表明:1)参照RG1.183计算假设,AP1000和CPR1000核电厂公众受照剂量最大的两小时分别为事故后1.25~3.25h和0.7~2.7h;2)无论参考RG1.183还是RG1.195计算假设,CPR1000对公众造成的辐射后果要小于AP1000;3)无论是AP1000还是CPR1000,参照RG1.183比RG1.195计算得出的选址假想事故源项对公众造成的辐射后果均较小。 In this paper, the development of accident for siting of pressurized-water nuclear power plants (NPPs) is briefly described firstly. Postulated conditions of source terms based-on RG 1. 183 and RG 1. 195 are compared and the accident source terms for AP1000 and CPR1000 NPPs are calculated respectively. Finally, offsite radiological consequences for some specified NPP are evaluated according to the calculated accident source terms. The results show that 1, based-on the RG 1. 183 asstrmptions, the most serious offsite radiological consequences of 2 hours for the AP1000 and CPR1000 NPPs happen during 1.25--3.25 h and 0.7--2.7 h respectively after accident, and 2, in the same based-on the RG 1. 183 or RG 1. 195, radiological consequences of CPR1000 NPPs is less than that for AP1000 NPPs.
出处 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期41-46,共6页 Radiation Protection
关键词 压水堆核电厂 放射性物质释放 源项 RG 1 183 RG 1 195 pressurized-water nuclear power plants activity release source term RG 1. 183 RG 1. 195
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