
BWR——带缓冲的虫孔路由技术 被引量:7

BWR——Buffered Wormhole Routing Switching
摘要 MPP互联网中通常使用虫孔路由 WR(Wormhole Routing)交换技术来提高网络性能 .采用该技术 ,每个结点所需的通信缓冲小 ;并且当消息长度远远大于微片长度时 ,消息的传输延迟时间与传输距离无关 .但 WR技术也具有容易阻塞和产生刹车问题的缺点 .该文在 WR技术的基础上 ,提出了带缓冲的虫孔路由 BWR(BufferedWorm hole Routing)交换技术 ,并对采用 BWR技术的 k- ary n- m esh的消息平均传输延迟进行理论分析与模型模拟 .结果均表明 BWR技术可以较好地解决 WR技术带来的问题 ,可以较好地提高网络的性能 . The processing nodes in the MPP system communicate with each other through the interconnection network. The factors influencing the performance of the network mostly include network topology, switching mechanism and routing algorithm. Wormhole routing (WR) is widely used in modern MPP systems, WR technique requires fewer buffers and makes message latency insensitive to the distance that message traverses. The WR switching also has some drawbacks. It is difficult to solve brake problem of WR and the congestion problem that will take place easily under heavy traffic. Based on the WR technology, this paper proposes buffered wormhole routing (BWR) switching technique. More buffers are added to the router in the network. Thus the brake problem is solved because the router only needs to know the situation of the buffers of the next router. We proposed a method called backward algorithm to analyze the mean message latency of k-ary n-mesh under BWR and deterministic routing. In order to verify our result, a simulator for k-ary n-cube is built. The analysis and simulation results both show that BWR can solve the problems caused by WR, and can improve the network performance.
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期78-83,共6页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目! (6 99330 30 )
关键词 缓冲虫孔路由 交换技术 BWR 互联网 拓扑结构 Algorithms Buffer storage Computer simulation Congestion control (communication) Interconnection networks Mathematical models Parallel processing systems Simulators Switching Telecommunication traffic Topology
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