
基于医院信息系统集中监测香丹注射液不良反应技术 被引量:4

Study on centralized monitoring technology of the adverse drug reactions(ADRs)of Xiangdan injection based on the hospital information system(HIS)
摘要 目的:对香丹注射液的不良反应进行调查,探索基于医院信息系统开展药品不良反应的监测方法。方法:分别利用计算机"触发器"技术,从医院住院患者数据库中提取出现触发信号的患者的资料及病历回顾性研究方法,对我院322份使用香丹注射液的住院患者不良反应进行调查,采用SPSS 11.5统计软件进行统计分析。结果:利用计算机触发信号筛查出香丹注射液不良反应的病例数有34例,病历回顾性研究查出25例不良反应,对两种方法进行一致性分析,Kappa值等于0.76,提示两种方法具有高度的一致性。结论:基于HIS系统进行药品不良反应集中监测的方法是可行的,在与病历回顾性研究筛选出相同的发生ADR病历的条件下,该方法较病历回顾性研究省时、省力。 ABSTRACT:OBJECTIVE To explore a method for ADR monitoring through investigation of the adverse drug reacnons (ADRs) of Xiangdan injection based on the hospital information system(HIS). METHODS With the computer-based monitor "trigger" technology and the retrospective research method, the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) o{ Xiangdan injection in 322 patients of our hospital were analyzed. All data were statistically analyzed by SPSS (version 11.5). RESULTS Case retrospec- tive investigation found out 25 cases of ADR, yet using the compute^based monitor "triggers" technology screened out 34 casesof ADR. Analyzing on the consistency of the two methods, kappa value equaled to 0. 76. The results illustrated that the two methods were completely coincident at monitoring ADR. CONCLUSION The method of using a compute^based monitoring ADR was feasible, as compared with the case retrospective investigation, this method saved time and reduced effort at monito ring ADR.
出处 《中国医院药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期159-162,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
关键词 医院信息系统 不良反应 触发器 香丹注射液 the hospital information system adverse drug reactions triggers, Xiangdan
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