
以NURBS为输入曲面的T-Splines建模思路研究 被引量:3

Research on T-Splines modeling method taking NURBS as input surface
摘要 建模是现代工业设计中一个重要步骤,随着建模软件的不断增加,不同的建模思路也相互影响,采取合理的建模方法是提高产品设计效率的有效方法。以犀牛NURBS曲面为载体,探究NURBS-TS-NURBS的建模思路,弥补RHINO中NURBS曲面建模的不足,并且列举汽车前盖的建模案例,形象展现该方法灵活可反复修改曲面的优势。该方法适用于建模中期反复修改曲面形态。 Modeling is an important step in modern indusl,'ial design. With tile increasing of the number of modeling soflwares, different modeling ideas will influence each other. The selection of reasonable modeling method is an effective way to improve the ef- ficiency of product design. The NURBS surface based on RHINO software is taken as carrier,this paper aims to explore tile NURBS- TS-NURBS modeling method and make up for tile defects of NURBS surface modeling. The modeling of automobile front cover is taken as an example to vividly display this method, it has the advantage of easy modificaiton. The method is suitable for modify- ing surface form repeatedly during mid-term modeling.
作者 李源 张继晓
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期105-108,共4页 Journal of Machine Design
关键词 计算机辅助工业设计 NURBS T—Splines 曲面建模 RHINO CMD NURBS T-Splines surface modeling RHINO
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