
一次性挤净初乳对围产期奶牛血液生化指标的影响 被引量:3

Effect of complete colostrum milking on blood biochemical parameters in perinatal dairy cow
摘要 试验旨在能够有效地控制围产期奶牛血钙水平的前提下,验证奶牛在产后可进行一次性挤净初乳。选择体重、胎次相近,机能状态、生产性能良好,且即将入围产期的中国黑白花奶牛16头,按照随机分配原则分为4组,即低钙不净奶组、低钙净奶组、阴离子盐净奶组、阴离子盐不净奶组,每组4头。分别饲喂低钙日粮或阴离子盐日粮,低钙日粮组的日粮干物质含钙水平为0.36%,阴离子盐日粮组的DCAD为-68.51 mEq/kg DM。试验期为产前21 d到产后60 d。结果表明,产前低钙日粮和产前阴离子盐日粮均可有效控制围产期血钙水平,两种营养调控措施差异不显著(P>0.05);产后一次性挤净初乳对奶牛产后钙水平影响不显著(P>0.05)。结果提示,预防围产期奶牛产后瘫痪的途径有两条:即产前饲喂低钙日粮或阴离子盐日粮,并且产后一次性挤净初乳对奶牛产后钙水平无影响。 The premise of the test is to effectively control the perinatal cows serum calcium level, and to verify whether the cows can be one-time squeezed of net colostrum postpartum. The experiment in- volved 16 high performing Chinese Holstein dairy cows with similar body weight, parity and functional status. There were four treatment groups (low calcium not net milked, low calcium net milked, anionic salts net milked and anionic salts not net milked) with four animals per group in a randomized design. The animals were fed with either low calcium or anionic salts diet. In the low calcium diet group, the dietary dry matter calcium level was 0.36%, anionic salt diet group DCAD was -68.51 mEq/kg DM. The trial period for prenatal 21 d to 60 d postpartum. The. results show that, the prenatal low calcium dietary anionic salts and prenatal diet can effectively control the perinatal blood calcium level, two kinds of nutritional regulation measures had not significant difference(P〉0.05), effect of postpartum one-time squeeze net colostrum on calcium level in postpartum dairy cows was not significant(P〉0.05). The results suggest that, prevention of perinatal dairy cow postpartum paralysis can he achieved in these two ways: prenatal feeding low calcium diet or anionic salt diet, and postpartum one-time net co- lostrum squeeze had no effect on serum calcium level.
出处 《饲料工业》 北大核心 2014年第1期47-51,共5页 Feed Industry
基金 吉林农业大学科研启动基金项目[201003]
关键词 一次性 初乳 围产期 血液 生化指标 complete colostrum perinatal blood biochemical indexes
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