以150 t钢包为原型,采用几何相似比1:7的水模型,研究插入钢包的浸渍圆筒直径(50~130 mm)、插入深度(30~150 mm)和底吹气体流量(0.03~0.48 m^3/h)对钢液混匀时间和液面振幅的影响。结果表明,随浸渍圆筒直径和插入深度的增加,液面振幅减小;随底吹气量增加,液面振幅增大;不插入浸渍圆筒时不发生卷渣的临界底吹气量为0.09 m^3/h,混匀时间为10 s;插入直径130 mm、深度90 mm的浸渍圆筒时,不发生卷渣的临界底吹气量为0.30 m^3/h,最短混匀时间为4 s。实验数据回归分析得出150 t钢包内钢液均混时间-t'与底吹气量-Q'、浸渍圆筒直径-d'和插入深度h'的关系为t'=2.69+0.017 9 d'+0.011 2h'-0.425 Q'。
Based on prototype of 150 t ladle, the effect of diameter of immersed cylinder inserting in ladle (50 - 130 mm), inserting depth ( 30 - 150 mm) and bottom blowing gas rate (0.03 - 0.48 m1/h) on mixing time of liquid and am- plitude of liquid level has been studied by using geometry similarity ratio 1 : 7 water model. Resuhs show that with increas- ing immersed cylinder diameter and inserting depth, the amplitude of liquid level decreases ; with increasing bottom gas blo- wing rate the amplitude of liquid level raises; in condition without inserting immersed cylinder the critical gas blowing rate for non-occurring slag entrapment is O. 09 m3/h and mixing time is 10 s; in condition of inserting immersed cylinder with diameter 130 mm and inserting depth 90 mm, the critical gas blowing rate for non-occurring slag entrapment is 0. 30 m3/h and shortest mixing time is 4 s. It is obtained by test data regression analysis that for 150 t ladle the relation between liquid mixing time t' with bottom gas blowing rate Q', immersed cylinder diameter d' and inserting depth is t' = 2.69 + 0.017 9 d' + 0.011 2 h' -0. 425 Q'.
Special Steel
150 t Ladle, Bottom Gas Blowing Stirring, Immersed Cylinder, Amplitude of Liquid Level, Mixing