
EV71所致重症手足口病78例临床分析 被引量:7

Clinical analysis of 78 cases of severe hand-foot-mouth disease caused by enterovirus 71 infection
摘要 目的探讨肠道病毒71型(EV71)所致的重症手足口病(HFMD)患儿的临床特点及治疗转归。方法对2010年3月-2012年11月收入院的78例EV71所致的重症手足口痛患儿的临床表现,实验室检查及治疗与转归资料进行分析。结果78例患儿治愈69例(88.46%),治疗无效6例(7.69%),3例(3.85%)患儿留有单侧下肢迟缓性麻痹。结论EV71感染可累及多系统多器官,早期发现危重征象,早期治疗多数预后良好。 Objective To explore the children with severe hand- foot -mouth disease caused by EV71 clinical char- acteristics and outcome of treatment. Methods Clinical data of hospital children with severe hand, foot and mouth dis- ease caused by EV71 infection from march 2010 to November 2012 were analyzed retrospectively. Results 88.46%pa- tients were cured,6 ease (7.69 %) ineffective, In 3 patients (3.85 %) children with one side acute flaccid paralysis . Conclusion EV71 infection make multiple system organ involved, the early detection of critical signs, early treatment, most diseases is good prognosis.
出处 《西部医学》 2014年第1期65-66,共2页 Medical Journal of West China
关键词 EV71 手足口病 临床分析 EV71 Hand-foot-mouth disease Clinical analysis
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