1.2013年铁路工作回顾 刚刚过去的2013年,是我国铁路改革发展进程中国极不平凡的一年。按照中央关于铁路管理体制改革的部署,顺利实施铁路政企分开改革,完成了中国铁路总公司(简称总公司)组建工作;以改革为动力,深入实施安全风险管理年、运输组织改革年、体制机制转换年、党风廉政建设年,扎实开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,
This article studies and implement the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Commu- nist, the Central Economic Working Conference and the spirit of the State Council document No. 33. Then summarizes the tasks of 2013, analyzes the situation that the railway reformation and development faces, arranges main tasks of 2014, mobilizes the whole groups to reform energetically, carries out every task of railway prosperously, contributes to the economic and social development.
China Railway