
论美国不可争议条款规制投保欺诈的制度构成及其正当性 被引量:2

On the Incontestable Clause System in America:Origin and Just Base
摘要 不可争议条款制度约束保险公司撤销保险合同或主张保险合同无效的权利,强化了保险消费者的保险合同期待权。该制度是否豁免投保欺诈是其适用中最大的争议,本文重点围绕美国立法例,论述不可争议条款豁免投保欺诈的表现形式、制度缘起、正当性依据及其质疑,探究该制度全貌,以期为完善我国《保险法》中的不可争议条款制度提供理性思考依据。 Incontestable clause constraints the right of insurance companies to revoke the insurance contract, and strengthen the protection of insurance consumers rights to expect the insurance contract coverage. The most controversy about the incontestable clause system is whether or not to exempt insur- ance fraud in the process of application by the insured. The article focuses on the U.S. guiding cases and describes the complete picture of the system by discussing the manifestations of the incontestable clause, origin of the system, and just base with challenge so as to provide rational thinking basis on im- proving the provisions of Article 16 of Insurance Law of P. R. C.
出处 《比较法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期112-124,共13页 Journal of Comparative Law
基金 教育部人文社科研究基金规划项目"保险消费者保护制度及实施研究"(项目号:13YJA820060)课题成果之一 2012年国家留学基金委"中青年骨干教师出国研修项目"(项目号:201206645006)的资助
关键词 如实告知 投保欺诈 不可争议条款 objective disclosure by the insured fraud in application incontestable clause
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