
欧洲基本权利保护的理论与方法——以比例原则为例 被引量:36

On Theory and Methods of the Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe:Taking the Principle of Proportionality for Example
摘要 对法律与国家的不同理解一如既往地存在于欧盟内部所有的"共同遗产"与"价值共同体"的修辞学中。德国法中法律是优先于政治的,而英国更注重保持开放的政治空间与限制司法权,近些年来特别是从GCHQ案到1998年《人权法案》颁布以来英国法展现给我们的是一幅惊人的变化图景,其已开始接纳比例原则。法国法对比例原则并不是公开地接受,而是以不同的本土标准逐步地适应欧洲标准。由于比例原则提供了灵活性与可诉性,特别是出于结构性与制度性的原因,比例原则在欧洲层面是必需的。作为法院的监督标准,比例原则会强化法律的优先性,并且导致民主与法治关系的结构性重组。欧洲法院对成员国议会行为的监督已不可避免,民主的思维应当在基本权利保护中展开。 Different understanding of the law and state still exist in all the rhetoric of the " common heritage" and the "community of values" within the E. U. For the German law, law is prior to politics. However, the English law pays much attention to the open spaces of politics and the control of judicial power. There are so many changes in English law since the GCHQ case and the enforcement of Human Rights Act 1998. The UK has begun to accept the principle of proportionality. The French law does not directly accept the principle of proportionality, and it uses its own standard to gradually accept the prin- ciple of proportionality. Because of the flexibility and justiciability, especially for the structural and institutional reasons, the principle of proportionality is required at European level. As a judicial review standard, the principle of proportionality can strengthen the priority of law and lead to reconstruction of the relationship between democracy and the rule of law. It is inevitable to control the acts of Member States' parliaments by the ECJ. The thinking of democracy should be understood in the environment of the protection of fundamental rights.
出处 《比较法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期182-200,共19页 Journal of Comparative Law
基金 中国国家留学基金的资助
关键词 基本权利 比例原则 温斯伯里一体化 fundamental rights proportionality Wednesbury reasonableness process of integra-tion
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