
基于Petri网的自助行李托运传输控制策略 被引量:10

Transmission Control Strategy for Self-Service Baggage Checking System Based on Petri Net
摘要 针对自助行李托运过程中伴随行李规格检测、行李身份验证、旅客交互操作而进行的行李传输控制中的多方面不确定性问题,提出了一种满足自助式操作基于Petri网和区域转换方法的传输控制策略。将托运过程中行李可达范围分为投放区、检测区、缓冲区以及分拣区四个区域,依据系统功能要求建立区域转换规则和区域Petri网模型,由系统关联矩阵和状态方程推算行李的到达区域,并根据区域转换规则实现行李传输控制。自助托运实验验证了所提出方法在不确定环境下的高效性和可靠性。 Considering the various uncertainties in specifications detection ot baggage, luggage aumenucauon anu pa^s~n^c~ mL^lupc,,^- bility along with the process of self-service baggage-checking, a transmission control strategy based on Petri net and regional conversion method to meet the self-service operation has been proposed. The location of the baggage is divided into four regions : the launch area, the detection zone, buffer zone and sorting district. Firstly, the regional transformation rules and regional Petri net models are estab- lished according to the system requirements. Secondly, the baggage reach area is projected by the system incidence matrix and state e- quation. Thirdly, the baggage transsmission control is realized according to the regional transformation rules. The experiments results show that the control method is efficient and reliable in the uncertain environment.
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期14-17,22,共5页 Control Engineering of China
基金 中国民用航空局科技项目(MHRD200917) 天律市自然科学基金资助项目(12JCZDJC34200)
关键词 自助行李托运 传输控制 PETRI网 self-service baggage checking transmission control Petri Net
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