
基于线性二次高斯的四旋翼飞行器姿态控制 被引量:10

Attitude Control for Quad-Rotor Based on LQG
摘要 以自主研发的四旋翼飞行器为研究对象,主要讨论姿态控制器的设计方法。首先根据动力学原理和系统辨识得到姿态角系统的近似线性数学模型。其次,为获取姿态控制所必需的姿态角信息,提出采用高性价比的陀螺仪结合加速度计,并利用卡尔曼滤波器推测姿态角的方法。最后,根据所得模型和卡尔曼滤波器设计了线性二次高斯控制器。实验结果表明,设计的控制器具有良好的稳态和跟踪性能,从而验证了姿态角推测方法及控制器的可行性。 A Quad-Rotor that designed by our research group is selected as platform, and the attitude control is mainly discussed. Ac- cording to the flight principle, the approximate linear mathematical model is obtained by system identification. To get the attitude infor- mation, a new method of using the gyroscopes and accelerometer to surmise the angular by Kalman filter is proposed. Based on the mathematical model and the designed Kalman fiber, a linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controller is adopted to stabilize the attitude. The good performance obtained in flight experiments verify that the attitude calculating method and optimum control theory for attitude is practicable.
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期120-124,共5页 Control Engineering of China
基金 南京信息工程大学科研基金资助(S8110240001)
关键词 四旋翼 姿态控制 线性二次高斯 卡尔曼滤波器 quad-rotor attitude control LQG Kalman filter
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